((GROUP IS ON HIATUS AS OF 9/20/24 -please reach out for individual support!))

YOU get to define what your recovery looks like

Get real support as you navigate getting/staying sober(ish) from whatever compulsive behavior you want to change (booze, romantic intrigue, codependency, shopping, drugs, etc.)

You don‘t need to quit everything forever. You just need to know what you've been doing isn't working.

Ever since quitting cigarettes ten years ago, and booze five years after that, I’ve been low key obsessed with recovery. It feels like peeling back layers of an onion as you get to the core of what you’ve used to cope and what exactly you’re coping…about. Often at the core of compulsive use is never having learned how to truly be present with ourselves and uncomfortable feelings. I’m going to be honest; learning this feels terrible! AND! It can lead to the massive growth and joy. I want you to have this too.

I’ve also noticed that some philosophies and programs of recovery don’t feel accessible for folks who aren’t sure if things are quite bad enough to assign labels or commit to permanent abstinence as the only measure of success. That’s where the Sober-ish Support Group can help!

We will emphasize mindfulness, deep processing, and community as integral parts of recovery. Please contact me and we’ll discuss if the group is a good fit for you. I aim to create a space that is safe and LGBTQI affirming.